Best Astrologer In Mumbai.
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If you are facing so many problems in your life then your stars might not be at their right place. Or they might need some remedies. Do consult an a Astrological Expert Shri. Manohar Shastri Ji & live a better life.

Right Guidance with Accurate Solution.
We have 100% success retio in our work pattern. We solve all kind of problems by help of indian astrology. We provide services like Janmapatrika, Hastrekha, Gruh Klesh, Marriage Problems, Husband Wife Disputes, Job-Business Problems, Get free from all your Debts, Santan Yog, Foreign Trip, Mangal Dosh, Kaalsarp Dosh, Shani Dosh, Pitru Dosh, Graha Dosh, Vaastu Dosh, Vaastu Muhurtha, Pooja Paath, Hom-Havan, Shubh Muhurtha, Raashi Ratna, Naal, Shree Yantra, Piramid, Rudraksha etc. Do contact us for more details
We deal in Certified Gemstone at very reasonable price. Check out now !

Lehsuniya is proven for good judgement taking & helps in deeper understanding. It is also believed to increase one’s psychic abilities and power of concentration.

Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire is generally worn to get blessing from planet jupiter & experience several benefits from it.
Emrald has natural power to surpass your speech related difficulties, communication skills & skin or ear problems.

Blue Sapphire
Wearing a Neelam stone can protect you from theft, accident etc. It will also protect you from evil eye, enemies, jealusy etc.

Ruby is also known as Manik. Manik is powerful stone that associated with sun. Wearing a high quality Ruby can make you confidence, increase vitality, and also leadership qualities
Pearl has been using from all yugs right from hindu gods and maharajas. it helps improving memory, mental health & curing depression.

Gomed is usually worn for power, wealth & success is public careers, job and business. It benefits intellectual abilities and creativity.

Diamond is worn for who experience illness, mental health, depression and anxiety. it also helps in digestive issues and sexual problems.
Coral is generally used for better health conditions. It helps in stomuch diseases and also used for heart diseses.

Get your Horoscope by our expert astrologer Shri. Manohar Shastri Ji.
We provide accurate information about your past & your future.

Do visit our office to get all your answers about your life. This is the right time to be aware about your future and accordingly.